Joseph Chikelue Obi | The Amazing Joseph Chikelue Obi MD MPH FRIPH

Joseph Chikelue Obi | Joseph Obi | Joseph Chikelue

Thursday 15 August 2013

Joseph Chikelue Obi Wiki

Joseph Chikelue Obi Wiki | Medicine - The Jibbering Little Profession of Cowardly Political Imbeciles

". . . According to (Boastful , Non-Medical , Managerial) Staff at the General Medical Council , the only reason why they have been able to consistently get away with Regulatory Murder (so far) , is simply because the UK Medical Profession has since been thoroughly emasculated by Morbid GMC Fear , (so much so) that it is now a Jibbering Little Profession of Cowardly Political Imbeciles . . .

. . . I Totally Concur . . . "

- Doctor Joseph Obi FRCAM(Dublin)

General Medical Council (GMC) Opposition Leader

Alternative Medicine Campaign

Joseph Chikelue Obi | Doctor | Professor | Politician | Diplomat | Blogger | Minor Surgeon